Custom, Personalized Dental Bridges Can Mask Missing Front Spaces
The ability to restore chewing quickly so other teeth are not put under additional stress
Speech can also be noticeably impacted by permanent restorations
If you already having large fillings on teeth next to the space, a Dental Bridge may be a great option.
The fracturing of a front tooth, and the desire to quickly have it replaced, with minimal wait time
The loss of so much bone after years of not having a tooth that an implant is not an option
Have you had a missing space in your mouth for years and desire fixing the space?
Has smiling for photos due to a “front tooth” missing been difficult?
Have you fractured a tooth on the same or opposite side of your mouth occurred after the tooth was missing happened because you didn’t have a “full team” of teeth to chew with?
From the moment you start the process, a friendly face will always be there to answer your questions about treatment and guide you through the process of transforming your smile.
Dr. Rouse virtually plans your dental implant surgery while you are sipping your morning coffee. This makes the day of surgery a smooth transition.
Depends on the insurance
Smoothies And Soups.
Avoid Crunchy And Hard Foods.
Dental bridges may feel foreign and strange for the first few days after the procedure. Nonetheless, a patient should eat without feeling pain. If there is a lot of pain while chewing, then that is a sign that something is wrong, and your dentist should have a look.
Dental patients who practice a proper oral care routine can expect their bridges to last up to 15 years.