Our family-owned practice makes access to affordable care with the latest technology easy and gives you the best results. We will have you chewing better than ever before with our custom-designed Dental Implants and consultations after work-hours
With the help of oral conscious sedation, that no longer needs to be the hurdle to getting the dental treatment you need.
Are you one of countless people who breaks out into a cold sweat when you think about going to the dentist?
It doesn't matter if it's a basic cleaning or a major tooth extraction, you're a nervous wreck the whole time.
You don't have to stay away from the dentist or live in fear of a procedure. Oral (or non-IV) sedation may be exactly what you need to help you get through your next visit.
Using oral sedation means that you can't drive a car at all or travel anywhere (even on a bus or train) by yourself. You'll need someone with you at your appointment who can help get you home. They'll also need to be able to take the information we provide for your follow-up appointment, any care you need, and what to do in the hours and days that follow. Whoever brings you should be someone you trust with this information.
If you are having surgery, we recommend soft foods for post-surgery (mashed potatoes, pudding, jello, oatmeal, etc.).
Alcohol: Do not consume any alcoholic beverages the evening before sedation.
Driver: All sedation patients must be accompanied to and from the office by a responsible adult.
Please plan to have them stay in the office during your visit. If they cannot stay during your appointment, please let us know so that we can make arrangements accordingly.
Minors must have a responsible adult in the office at all times, no exceptions.
We recommend a responsible adult stay with you for at least 12 hours following the appointment.
Clothing: Wear clothes that are comfortable with short sleeves for easy placement of the blood pressure cuff and monitors. Wear comfortable shoes.
Accessories: Remove dark nail polish prior to dental treatment for easy monitoring. Please do not wear heavy makeup, lipstick, jewelry, or contact lenses.
Medications: Bring any specially prescribed medications (including inhalers or angina medications) with you to your appointment.
Take any pre-medication one hour prior to appointment if indicated.
Nausea: IV sedation may cause nausea. A medication for nausea may need to be administered after surgery at an additional cost.
Working: Sedation medication can stay in your system for several hours. You can expect to be tired for the rest of the day after sedation. However, by the next day you should be able to resume normal activities or work.
If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact our office!
A local anesthetic will numb the pain, and the dental sedative will further lower your awareness level so that you will feel little if any pain during the dental procedure.
No, dental sedation does not cause one to go to sleep or become unconscious. You will still be awake and able to converse, but you will simply be less active and responsive, and totally relaxed and at ease.
Most patients don’t remember much from the dental procedure. And it will seem like it goes much faster than in reality: an hour might feel like 10 minutes in retrospect.